Weglot and Shifter Integration


The following WordPress plugins will help you to insert code provided from Weglot to the head element.

Related article

Sign up

Goto Weglot: Translate your website

Click [Start your free trial] button.

Project setups

Create project

Project name: name of your Weglot project (i.e. MyWeglot project)

Website technology: choose “Other”

Click [Next] button

Set up details

  • Domain URL: URL or domain name of your website to translate.
    i.e. example.com.

  • Original Language: The language of your source website.
    i.e. English

  • Translated Languages:The target language you want to translate to.
    i.e. Japanese

Click [Next] button.

Your DNS settings

If you’re familiar with DNS services, you can add provided DNS records to your DNS server.

But, we’ll skip this step. Click [you can skip this step] link.

Copy Weglot snippet

Click [Copy] button to JavaScript snippet

Add copied code to your website

Back to Shifter dashboard, then start and access WordPress.

Login to WordPress Dashboard by clicking the [Dashboard] button

Install code inserter plugin.

Refer to another support document for more dtails

How to add JavaScript snippet or CSS in header or footer of the static site

Generate an artifact.

After adding JavaScript snippet, generate an artiafct to complete all step of set ups.

Complete setup

Back to Weglot again and click [Go to my translations] button.

Check translation

Original post

Source text is the first paragraph of WordPress – Wikipedia

Click [English] menu bottom of that page.

Choose {日本語] (target language)

……and translated text (in Japanese)

That’s all!

Happy to have multilingual site!

Take the Next Step

Get started on your website today with Shifter. Try out our free plan and take the first step towards building the perfect website for you and your visitors.

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