How to make a Shifter site

How to create a new Shifter site and publish it.

Step 1. Create new site

Click the [Create a new site] button.

Choose [Shifter Static] or [Shifter Headless].

Let’s choose [Shifter Static] this time.

Step 2. Fill in the Site Information

Fill in the site information to create a new site.

  • Team: This is where you assign your site to a team.

  • Site Name: This is where you input the title of your site.

Click [Confirm] to create your site.

Step 3. Select your plan

You can select your plan in this page.

You can start with the Free Tier to test out Shifter.

Step 4. Enter your credentials to complete the signup process

You can input your payment info here.

Click [Add Payment method] to create your new site.

Step 5. Let’s start editing your site!

Click [Go to your new site] and it will redirect you to the new dashboard.

Step 5. Start WordPress

After the site is created, WordPress is running by default.

Click [WordPress Admin] and you can access the WordPress dashboard.

After WordPress powers up Shifter will provide you a magic link to login to the WordPress Dashboard.

Step 6. Access WordPress Dashboard

Each site is pre-installed so you’ll log directly into the WordPress Dashboard.


Shifter has a runtime of 15 minutes for non-active sites or 180 minutes max for active sites. Active sites are defined as when a user is navigating the WordPress Admin or Front-end Editor.

Step 7. Create / Edit posts on WordPress

Once you have the WordPress dashboard ready, you can start creating/editing posts or make any changes.

Step 8. Stop WordPress

After creating/editing your theme, plugins and publishing, go back to the Shifter Dashboard and click the stop mark to stop WordPress.

Step 9. Build Deploy

Click [Build Deploy] to begin creating a static version of your WordPress site. Static versions of your site are called Artifact.

Optionally, you can add a note to each artifact to document changes.

Generating time depends on the size of your site. Shifter will notify you when it finishes this process by email even if you leave the window.

Step 10. Access the published URL

Auto Publish is enabled by default. You can change the settings in the [Settings] tab.

To check your published site, click on the URl shown on the dashboard.

Step 11. That’s it!

Your WordPress site is now running with HTTP/2 on a global CDN, SSL for added security, and there’s no WordPress Dashboard running for bots to hack.

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