Custom WordPress Plugins on Shifter

It’s a common question that we get a lot and the answer is, yes! Custom WordPress Plugins can be installed on Shifter sites.

Key features for Custom WordPress Plugins

  • Test, test, test! We recommending giving Shifter Local a try when developing and testing Custom WordPress Plugins.

  • WordPress REST API: WordPress Plugins that require this may not work on Shifter.

  • URL Based Licensing: There are some issues around Premium WordPress Plugins and how they authenticate URLs.

Testing and Developing Custom Plugins for Shifter

If you are a WordPress Plugin developer we always recommend developing on the latest stable version of PHP available.

We ship the latest stable version of PHP for every WordPress site on our Platform. This ensures we can provide the best infrastructure for compatible sites.

WordPress REST API

We love the WP REST API, however plugins that require the REST API in production may not work as expected on Shifter.

Most do, but the best way to find out is to test it. We offer a free trial for this and if you need help just ask us!

Premium WordPress Plugin Licensing

If you are uploading a Premium WordPress Theme or Plugin that requires URL based authentication, you may experience an issue maintaining that authentication.

This is due to Shifter’s randomized site URLs and approved URLs may change with each restart.

This is case by case and we are happy to help you resolve this as most Premium WordPress Plugin developer have a solution for these use cases.

Take the Next Step

Get started on your website today with Shifter. Try out our free plan and take the first step towards building the perfect website for you and your visitors.

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