II. Adding verification DNS records

This document is a part two of four articles:

I. Registering a domain name

II. Adding verification DNS records

III. Assigning a domain name to the site and create a new artifact

IV. Adding DNS records for production

II. Adding verification DNS records

You can use your favourite DNS server. We use Route 53 in this document for an example.

1. Login to ControlPanel

URL: https://console.aws.amazon.com/route53/home

2. Click the domain name you want to edit.

We use example.com on this document as a sample domain.

3. Click [Create Record Set] button to add validation DNS records

4. Choose routing policy

Select [Simple routing] and click [Next] button

5. Configure records

Click [Define simple record]

6. Add validation record for example.com

Value to set:

Record name: _abcde

Value/Route traffic to:

Pulldown: [IP address or another value depending on the record type]

Textarea: _01234.acm-validations.aws.
RecordType: CNAME
TTL : 300 (Default)

8. Click [Define simple record] button again

9. Set another verification record for www.example.com and click [Define simple record] button.

Valu to set:

Record name: _hijkl.www

Value/Route traffic to:

Pulldown: [IP address or another value depending on the record type]

Textarea: _56789.acm-validations.aws.
RecordType: CNAME – Routes traffic to another domain name and to some AWS resources
TTL : 300 (Default)

10. Hit [Save Record Set] button

11. All verification records are set.

Go to III. Assign a domain name to the site document after the Status of the domain name on Shifter dashboard turns to “Ready” from “Pending”.

Next: III. Assign a domain name to the site

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