Introducing Shifter Headless


Shifter Headless provides the SaaS of WordPress as Headless CMS, and is suitable for JAMStack or SPA (Single Page Application).
The platform, WordPress core, and plugins are automatically updated. WordPress is always running, but you can stop it at anytime.


  • Platform will be automatically updated.

  • WordPress core and plugins will be automatically updated.

  • Database migration will be done automatically.

  • Fixed hostname.

  • Theme: headless-theme which is fixed and cannot be changed.

  • Plugins: plugin set for Headless are installed by default.

  • Media CDN is ready.

  • WAF is ready.


Setting up 

1. Navigate to Shifter dashboard.

2. To find an existing headless site, click [Headless]

3. To create a new headless site, click [Shifter Headless] under [Create a new site] button

4. Input your site name

5. Choose a plan then click [Create site]

We also have a seven-day free trial.

6. Complete your order

7. Shifter will create and boot up your site.

8. Click [Go to your new site]

9. Copy the initial credentials for WordPress

10. Click the WordPress admin URL

That’s all!


How to stop WordPress

1. Navigate to the [Settings] section on your Headless site

2. Click [Stop] button

3. WordPress will stop


Importing data

You can import WordPress post/page data with WordPress Importer plugin.


Shifter Headless provides s necessary plugin set by default. 

Fetch and display contents

Build a REST API compatible theme, or get it from GitHub: wp rest api theme.

In this document, we use WordPress REST API Sample App for example.

1. Clone the WordPress REST API Sample App repository to local

$ git clone  

2. Open WordPress-REST-API-Sample-App/app/main.js with an editor

3. Modify RESTURL to your’s

Default value is 

Change to https://YOUR-SHIFTER-HEADLESS-URL/wp-json/
Then save it.

4. Access the created file

Open index.html with a web browser to make sure contents show up.

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