Formspree is a forms-as-a-service provider. As they say, they are perfect for static sites and we agree. It passes along form submissions to their intended destination like any normal form but they offer a lot more too.
Need help with spam or a place to view your form submissions? Need complex routing? All of this is possible using Formspree.
Here’s a step by step guide:
Create a new site on Shifter or use an existing site. I created a site just for this demo called Formspree demo.
Create a Formspree account and get form code
Click [Get started]

Register the Formspree

Verify Email

Create new form

Set “Form Name” and “Send emails to” fields then click [Create Form]

Copy form code (HTML or AJAX)

Start WordPress and embed Formspreee code
Start WordPress from Shifter Dashboard

Login to WordPress Dashboard by clicking the [Dashboard] button

Click [Add block] and choose [Custom HTML]

Paste copied code and save changes.

Test the form works after generating and publishing the artifact.

The page will be like below after submitting.

Once you have added your email address save the page and generate a new artifact. This will create a static version of your WordPress site complete with the form added to the newly created Contact Us page.
And here we have it!
Now our form is ready for validation. We can’t just put any email address in the form, we also need to verify we own it. So if you submit a test to the form it will redirect you to the Formspree page. This will trigger a verification email to the email address you added.
Check your email and you’ll see that it’s arrived. Open it and follow the activation link. After that, your site is ready to go. You can now use Formspree to receive emails from your static WordPress site.
Does it offer spam protection? Yes! It includes protection from spam and can honeypot bots and do a whole bunch more. You can even use it at scale with a paid plan and get more features too.
Expect more from us on Formspree. They are a great company doing interesting things.
As always, let us know what you think!