How to set up Shifter Algolia Search

Shifter provides Algolia search features for real-time site search results on Shifter site. It enables visitors to search for content with just a few types.

How to setup

  1. Enable Algolia

  2. Start WordPress

  3. Install and activate the Shifter Algolia Search plugin

  4. Add [Sifter Algolia Search] block to the page, posts or where you want to put a search box.

  5. Stop WordPress and build a deploy.

  6. Create Index.

  7. Access the site and search for some contents

Enable Algolia

Navigate to [Live]

Click [Algolia]

Click toggle switch

Algolia is enabled

Start WordPress

Activate plugin: Shifter Algolia Search

Add [Sifter Algolia Search] block to the page, posts or where you want to put a search box.

Stop WordPress and build a deploy.

An index of records is automatically created.

If something is wrong, click [Create Index] again to create a new index.

Access the site and search for some contents

You’ll get the search result as-you-type

Click results to access the page.

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