I. Register a Domain Name on the Shifter Dashboard

This document is a part one of four articles:

I. Registering a domain name

II. Adding verification DNS records

III. Assigning a domain name to the site and create a new artifact

IV. Adding DNS records for production

I. Register a domain name in the Shifter dashboard

Login to Shifter dashboard


Click the [Manage Site] button to add the domain name

Navigate to Domain under Live menu

Navigate to {Domain] on the left side menu

Input a domain name and register it

Input a domain name to the [Enter your domain] field.

Check [Include alternative domain] checkbox if you need to add a www-prefixed domain name such as www.example.com.

Shifter only accepts zone apex (naked domain) and www-prefixed. For more details, please refer to Custom domain names specifications on Shifter.

Copy Domain Verification Records

For example.com

Name: _abcde


Value: _1234.acm-validations.aws.

For www.example.com

Name: _hijkl


Value: _56789.acm-validations.aws.

Next: II. Add Verification DNS records on your DNS server

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