Shifter Search

Shifter Search powered by Algolia adds advanced website…

Advanced Search

Shifter Search powered by Algolia offers advanced features such as faceting, sorting, and filtering to help users find and focus on relevant content.

How to use Shifter Search →

Personalized Content

Using machine learning algorithms, Shifter Search powered by Algolia can recommend personalized content to users based on their journey and interactions with your website.

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Shifter Search Blocks

Shifter Search Blocks enable a powerful search experience on WordPress websites. Customize forms and results pages and add related items quickly and reliably. Improve your search experience with Shifter Search Blocks.

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Shifter Search Benefits

Premium search experience powered by Algolia

Search includes custom fields within WordPress

Control the items you want searched and displayed

Easy Setup and Integration

Take the Next Step

Get started on your website today with Shifter. Try out our free plan and take the first step towards building the perfect website for you and your visitors.

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