Make sure git and npm are working correctly.
Shifter account (View Creating an account to setup a new account)
GitHub account
AWS account
Start up a Shifter Headless site and access WordPress
1. Login to Shifter Headless dashboard
2. Start Headless WordPress
For more details, checkout support document: Start up Shifter Headless WordPress
Connect Vercel
3. Sign up up for Vercel
4. Choose your favorite Git service, or sign up with an e-mail.

5. Click [Authorize New by Vercel (formerly ZEIT)] button (if you choose Git service)

6. Sign up complete

Set up a Frontity sample site
7. Git clone our sample repository to local and dive into it
$ git clone
$ cd example-frontity-wordpress
8. Modify frontity.settings.js
Open frontity.settings.js
with your favourite editor
or with vi
$ vi frontity.settings.js
Then rewrite URL around line 5, from
"frontity": {
"url": "",
"frontity": {
Also, update line 44
"source": {
"api": ""
"source": {
"api": "https://YOUR-SHIFTER-HEADLESS-URL/wp-json"
Double check and save changes.
Additionally, you can change menu from
"menu": [
"Edge Case Category",
"menu": [
"Menu Item #1",
or anything else.
Never forget to save your changes.
Start local server
9. Install additional command for the project
$ npm install
10. Run below command to start local server
$ npm run dev
npm returns below
SERVER STARTED -- Listening @ http://localhost:3000
- mode: development
- target: module
and http://localhost:3000
will be opened up with your web browser.
11. Check that your site works

12. Push the [Control]
key and [C]
key to stop the server.
Build a site and deploy
13. Build site
$ npm run build
This may take a while.
14. Login to Vercel (
$ npx now login
Now CLI 18.0.0
Enter your email: YOUR-EMILADDRESS
We sent an email to YOUR-EMILADDRESS. Please follow the steps provided inside it and make sure the security code matches Kind Lion.
✔ Email confirmed
Congratulations! You are now logged in. In order to deploy something, run `now`.
💡 Connect your Git Repositories to deploy every branch push automatically (
15. Deploy the built site to Vercel (
$ npx now --prod
Now CLI 18.0.0
? Set up and deploy “example-frontity-wordpress”? [Y/n] y
? Which scope do you want to deploy to? NAME-OF-SCOPE
? Link to existing project? [y/N] n
? What’s your project’s name? example-frontity-wordpress
? In which directory is your code located? ./
🔗 Linked to NAME-OF-SCOPE/example-frontity-wordpress (created .now)
🔍 Inspect: [5s]
✅ Production: [copied to clipboard] [56s]
16. Open Production URL with a web browser

That’s all!