Before setting up
Some DNS Providers support ALIAS records. Here is a list in our documents for that. If you had registered an APEX domain — or root domain/naked domain — (a domain without www, blog or other prefix) for Shifter, you can also input or select the value of CDN raw Hostname
), which is provided in Shifter’s Dashboard.
This article describes two samples of setting up ALIAS record on MuuMuu Domain and Route 53 of AWS.
A CloudFront Domain is provided in the Live > Overview page of your site.
Before accessing your DNS Provider, copy the value of the CloudFront Domain ( in this case it is
), and paste it into a notepad, Evernote, or your favorite stickies.

Add ALIAS record
1. Log in to the ControlPanel
2. Click [Create Record Set] button to add DNS records

3. Choose routing policy
Select [Simple routing] and click [Next] button

4. Configure records
Click [Define simple record]

5. Add ALIAS record
Let’s set up ALIAS record for your domain name.

Record name: should be blank
Value/Route traffic to:
Pulldown menu 1: [Alias to CloudFront distribution]
Pulldown menu 2: [US East (N. Virginia) [us-east-1]]
RecordType: A – Routes traffic to an IPv4 address and some AWS resources
TTL : 300 (Default)
Then click [Save changes] button.