Domain Forwarding on GoDaddy (non-www domain to www)

  1. Access GoDaddy, then sign in to the Control Panel of your account

  2. Go to the Domain manager

  3. Click [Forward Domain] of your domain

4. Scroll down to [Forwarding] section, then click [ADD] button.

5. Input your domain name with the assigned domain (e.g. or ) to the [FORWARD TO] field.

Check [Update my nameservers and DNS settings to support this change] if necessary.

6. Click [Preview] to check that it works

7. If it works, click [Save] 

8. Access your domain name to check that domain forwarding works.

That’s all!

Note 1

Our SSL certificate is not installed on GoDaddy’s server or the forwarded domain name. So accessing https://YOUR-FORWARDED-DOMAIN-NAME would return an SSL certificate warning or an HTTP error.

Note 2

If [Update my nameservers and DNS settings to support this change] is checked, Forwarded will be displayed in the value field.

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