Understanding the Domain/SSL certificate verification status

Status of domain verification


This status means that your domain name is either waiting for domain name verification or waiting for your sites verification code to be added to your DNS record.


Domain name verification has been completed and an SSL digital certificate has been issued. Your domain name is waiting to be assigned to your site and published.

Verification timed out

This is either due to an expired domain name verification code or Shifter simply could not check your domain name. Remove the domain name that has been timed out and then issue new verification code. Verification codes expire a 72 hours after they are issued so be sure to apply the DNS records before expiration.

Need to Update

Due to deleting the verification code from the DNS record, Shifter failed to create an SSL certificate while renewing it. Click the [Need to Update] button and issue verification codes, then set it to the DNS records.


Still, having trouble?

Domain name validation can take a couple of hours or even longer.
If your domain name status is still not resolved, please contact our support desk with the following data: 

  • Site ID

  • The domain name you’re trying to verify

  • The error message on Shifter dashboard or a screenshot of the error that you are experiencing

  • The domain name’s DNS settings or screenshot of them

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