Supporting AMP plugin and its some limitations

Shifter supports AMP with “AMP for WordPress” plugin By VIP, XWP, Google, and contributors, and doesn’t support any other AMP generator plugins like AMP for WP – Accelerated Mobile Pages or Better AMP.
It means if you enabled unsupported AMP plugin and generated your site, AMP pages will not generate.

Please use “AMP for WordPress” plugin instead of the alternatives.


AMP Settings

Template Mode

Choose: Reader

The latest version of AMP plugin supports three modes, Standard, Transitional and Reader. If your theme supports AMP, we recommend to select the Reader.

Reader theme

Choose AMP Legacy

Supported Template

Check on Posts, Pages, Media as you like.

Shifter currently supports only Posts, Pages and Media.

Advanced Settings

Redirect mobile visotors to AMP

Turn off this feature, Shifter currently doesn’t support it.

Plugin Suppression

Set as you like.

Analytics (optional)

You can set Analytics code such as Google Universal Analytics.

Refer to official document Analytics Vendors to check your vendor is supported.

The analytics code should be JSON format. Refer amp-analytics and Analytics document for more details.


AMP pages on Shifter should be end with /amp/.
For example,

  • Normal posts/pages: 

  • AMP posts/pages:

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