Qubo is a contact form and survey SaaS.
Create a new form
1. Log in to Qubo’s control panel
If you don’t have an account, request 14 days free trial
2. Click the [新規作成] button to create a form
3. Input field, then click [作成] button
4. The form is created.
Let’s add some details.
5. 環境設定
Never forget to change [すぐに公開] under フォームの公開設定 section to make it public.
6. 入力画面編集
Drag and drop the parts then set up necessary items.
7. 確認画面
Modify the required field.
8. Save changes
Click [この内容で登録する] under each page.
9. Back to form list page
Get embed tags
1. Click [埋め込みタグ表示]
To get embedding code, click [埋め込みタグ表示] button.
2. Copy the code.
Embed to a Page
1. Start WordPress and login
2. Click [Add New] under [Pages]
3. Click [+] to add block
4. input “custom HTML” and click [Custom HTML] under the Formatting menu
5. Paste copied Qubo’s embed code and click [Publish]
6. Generate an artifact and confirm it works
Embed to Sidebar widget
1. Click [Custom HTML] menu
2. Choose position where you want to apply, and click [Add Widget] button
3. Paste copied code and save it
4. Generate an artifact and confirm it works
That’s all!