Notes on WordPress pagination

WordPress offers two types of pagination: archive pages and post pagination.

Archive pages

This displays a paginated navigation to next/previous sets of posts, when applicable with the_posts_pagination() function which has been supported since WordPress version 4.1. 

Post content

This displays page links for paginated posts using the wp_link_pages() function (i.e. including the <!--nextpage-->  Quicktag one or more times).

Shifter recommended tags, plugins, or themes

If your theme or plugin adheres to the WordPress coding standards, there is a very good chance you won’t have an issue. Pagination is simple, and most of the time it just works.

  • Themes or plugins which is implementing with the_posts_pagination() and  wp_link_pages()  tags for pagination.

  • WP-PagiNavi plugin

Unsupported tags or plugins

If you are using or developed a custom pagination strategy, there’s only one way to know if it will work and that’s by testing it. We offer a free trial for this purpose. Test things with a free trial before subscribing.

  • Users’ or developers’ originally created or fully customised functions.

  • Themes or plugins above original functions.

Develop, test, and debug

We strongly recommend using Shifter Local to develop or debug themes or plugins for Shifter. Shifter Local will give you a environment that matches our version of PHP, HTTP Gateway, and more.

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