List of the plugins forcefully disabled on WordPress starting up or while generating artifacts

The following plugins have an unexpected adverse effect on Shifter’s behaviour, such as starting WordPress or generating artifacts. So Shifter automatically disable them while it starts WordPress or generating artifacts.

After starting WordPress process has done, you or data restoring function can enable it on WordPress dashboard at any time.

Disabled while WordPress starting process


  • akismet

  • hello

Caching plugins

  • autoptimize

  • cache-enabler

  • comet-cache

  • head-cleaner

  • hyper-cache

  • litespeed-cache

  • simple-cache

  • sns-count-cache

  • w3-total-cache

Debugging, file management and incompatibilities

  • php-compatibility-checker

  • wp-file-manager

  • search-everything

Having login issue

  • dynamic-hostname

  • siteguard

Unnecessary auto rewriting

  • wp-fastest-cache

  • wp-remote-manager-client

  • wp-super-cache

  • zencache-pro

Having RDB server load issue

  • broken-link-checker

Disabled while generating artifacts

all of plugins above and

  • password-protected

  • query-monitor

  • wp-maintenance-mode

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