Incompatible or Unrecommended WordPress Plugins on Shifter

Important note

This list includes a lot of plugins but it should not be considered definitive or absolute. Plugins once considered incompatible can change, and plugins not listed here may be incompatible. If a plugin you’re using is listed here, there is still a chance it may work for a few reasons.

Here is a guide for how those changes and selections happen.

Added support for PHP 7

Shifter supports PHP 7, and so should your plugins. Most or all plugins coming from the WordPress dot org plugin directory are likely compatible as long as they are up to date.

3rd party or premium plugins from vendors or marketplaces should meet this standard as well. There are several plugins once featured on this list that, when updated, are entirely compatible with Shifter because they added support for PHP 7.

Adjusting cache plugin settings

Generally we do not recommend caching plugins because they offer minimal to no performance improvements on static environments.

Caching plugins commonly use random filenames and URLs to “bust” cache. This can create a conflict when generating your static site, resulting in 404s for JS and CSS files. However, some plugins offer options to resolve those issues. In our experience, they are all different and take some trial and error.

General Information on plugin compatibility

We strongly recommend that you disable or uninstall some plugins while using Shifter for the following reasons.

  • The plugin(s) has the same feature of our server. (e.g. caching feature)

  • The plugin(s) main feature cannot be used on our server (e.g. using .htaccess files)

  • The plugin(s) effects high load on the server (e.g. showing related posts or ranking plugins)

  • The plugin hasn’t been updated or is no longer maintained

  • The plugin executes PHP script on posts or pages which may cause unwanted and unnecessary security risks (e.g. Exec-PHP or WP exec PHP)

  • Features overlap with our platform

List of unrecommended plugins

  • 6scan-backup

  • 6scan-protection

  • adminer

  • adsense-click-fraud-monitoring

  • akismet

  • async-google-analytics

  • automatic-wordpress-backup

  • autoptimize

  • backjacker

  • backup

  • backup-db

  • backup-scheduler

  • backup-to-dropbox

  • backupbuddy

  • backupcreator

  • Backups

  • backupwordpress

  • backupwp

  • backwpup

  • bad-behavior

  • broken-link-checker

  • cache-enabler

  • cache-images

  • comet-cache

  • content-molecules

  • contextual-related-posts

  • counterize

  • db-cache-reloaded

  • dbc-backup

  • disbable plugin updates

  • duplicator

  • dynamic-hostname

  • dynamic-related-posts

  • ewww-image-optimizer

  • exploit-scanner

  • ezpz-one-click-backup

  • fast-velocity-minify

  • file-commander

  • firestats

  • fuzzy-seo-booster

  • gd-system-plugin

  • gd-system-plugin.php

  • google-xml-sitemaps-with-qtranslate-support

  • google-xml-sitemaps-v3-for-qtranslate

  • google-xml-sitemaps-with-multisite-support

  • gosquared-livestats

  • head-cleaner

  • hc custom wp admin url

  • hcs-client

  • hcs.php

  • hello.php

  • hyper-cache

  • iwp-client

  • jr-referrer

  • jumpple

  • litespeed-cache

  • mailpoet

  • worker

  • missed-schedule

  • newstatpress

  • no-revisions

  • ozh-who-sees-ads

  • password-protected

  • portable-phpmyadmin

  • pressbackup

  • quick-cache

  • quick-cache-pro

  • recommend-a-friend

  • referrer-wp

  • repress

  • search-unleashed

  • search-everything

  • sendpress email marketing

  • seo-alrp

  • seo-alrp

  • sgcachepress

  • si-captcha-for-wordpress

  • siteguard

  • similar-posts

  • simple backup

  • simple-cache

  • simple-stats

  • simple-wordpress-backup

  • smestorage-multi-cloud-files-p

  • snapshot

  • snapshot-backup

  • sns-count-cache

  • spamreferrerblock

  • spyderspanker

  • spyderspanker_pro

  • revslider

  • ssclassic

  • sspro

  • statpress

  • statpress-reloaded

  • statpress-visitors

  • stats

  • super-post

  • superslider

  • sweetcaptcha-revolutionary-free-captcha-service

  • synthesis

  • text-passwords

  • the-codetree-backup

  • timthumb-vulnerability-scanner

  • toolspack

  • toolspack

  • total-archive-by-fotan

  • total-backup

  • track-that-stat

  • tweet-blender

  • updraft

  • updraftplus

  • versionpress

  • viberspy-pro

  • visitor-stats-widget

  • vm-backups

  • vsf-simple-stats

  • w3-total-cache

  • wassup

  • wordfence

  • wordpress-backup

  • wordpress-backup-to-dropbox

  • wordpress-beta-tester

  • wordpress-database-backup

  • wordpress-gzip-compression

  • wordpress-popular-posts

  • wp-cache

  • wp-cachecom

  • wp-complete-backup

  • wp-copysafe-pdf

  • wp-copysafe-web

  • wp-database-optimizer

  • wp-db-backup

  • wp-dbmanager

  • wp-engine-snapshot

  • wp-fast-cache

  • wp-fastest-cache

  • wp-file-cache

  • wp-mailinglist

  • wp-maintenance-mode

  • wp-missed-schedule

  • wp-optimize

  • wp-phpmyadmin

  • wp-postviews

  • wp-postviews

  • wp-power-stats

  • wp-remote-manager-client

  • wp-s3-backups

  • wp-slimstat

  • wp-statistics

  • wp-super-cache

  • wp-symposium-alerts

  • wp-time-machine

  • wpdbspringclean

  • wpdbspringclean

  • wpengine-common

  • wpengine-migrate

  • wpengine-snapshot

  • wpengine-snapshot

  • wponlinebackup

  • xcloner-backup-and-restore

  • xml-sitemap-feed

  • yet-another-featured-posts-plugin

  • yet-another-related-posts-plugin

  • zencache-pro

  • really-simple-ssl

  • qtranslate-x

  • flow-flow-social-streams

  • wpterm

  • wp-terminal

  • wp-console

  • wp-ngrok

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