About this article
This article is a dedicated branch of “Custom Domains on Shifter“ for Google Domains. Before following the instructions, you’ll need to follow “Custom Domains on Shifter“ to register your domain name to Shifter and get domain verification records.
Sample domain and DNS records
Sample Domain:
Sample Shifter Domains:
Sample Validation Records:
For example.com
Name: _abcde.example.com
Value: _01234.acm-validations.aws.
For www.example.com
Name: _hijkl.www.example.com
Value: _56789.acm-validations.aws.
Setting up DNS validation records
1. Navigate to the Login page
2. Click [My domains] menu, then choose your domain name in the [My domains] section

3. Click [DNS] menu, and make sure [Use the Google Domains nameservers] is chosen.

4. Scroll down to [Custom resource records] section.

5. Input the following record set
For example.com
In the first box, enter _abcd
In the second box, select CNAME
In the TTL
field, enter 1H
In the data field, enter _01234.acm-validations.aws.
Click [Add] button
For www.example.com
In the first box, enter _hijkl.www.
In the second box, select CNAME
In the TTL
field, enter 1H
In the data field, enter _56789.acm-validations.aws.
Click [Add] button

Note: never remove validation records.
Setting up DNS records, after completing domain verification.
6. Add CNAME.
After completing domain verification, let’s set up CNAME records for your domain name.
For www.example.com
In the first box, enter www
In the second box, select CNAME
In the TTL
field, enter 1H
In the data field, enter abc123.on.getshifter.io.
or def456.cloudfront.net
Click [Add] button

Note: never remove validation records.
That’s all!
[Optional] Domain forwarding (zone apex/naked domain to www-prefixed domain)
Set up domain forwarding for example.com
1. Navigate to “Website” menu

2. Click [Set up forwarding]
3. Set up like shown below:
a) Input the naked domain name to the “Forward from” field
e.g. example.com
b) Input the URL of the www-prefixed domain name.
e.g. https://www.example.com
c) Click the [Forward] button to save changes

4. Domain forwarding has been created.

That’s all!