About this article
This article is a dedicated branch of “Custom Domains on Shifter“ for Route 53 of AWS. Before following the instructions, you’ll need to follow “Custom Domains on Shifter“ to register your domain name to Shifter and get the domain verification records.
Sample domain names and their DNS records
Sample Domain names:
Sample Shifter Domains:
You can get them on the [Overview] page of the Shifter site on Shifter Dashboard or CloudFront Domain
Sample Validation Records:
For example.com
Name: _abcde.example.com
Value: _01234.acm-validations.aws.
For www.example.com
Name: _hijkl.www.example.com
Value: _56789.acm-validations.aws.
I. Setting up Verification DNS records on Route 53 of AWS
1. Login to ControlPanel
URL: https://console.aws.amazon.com/route53/home
2. Click on the domain name you want to edit.
We use the sample domain example.com
on this document.

3. Make sure the value of NS is AWS’ DNS servers.

In this sample below, DNS servers are set.
4. Click [Create Record Set] button to add DNS validation records

5. Choose the routing policy
Select [Simple routing] and click [Next] button

6. Configure records
Click [Define simple record]

7. Add validation records for example.com
Values to set:
Record name: _abcde
Value/Route traffic to:
Pulldown: [IP address or another value depending on the record type]
Textarea: _01234.acm-validations.aws.
RecordType: CNAME
TTL : 300 (Default)

8. Click [Define simple record] button again

9. Set another verification record for www.example.com and click [Define simple record] button.
Values to set:
Record name: _hijkl.www
Value/Route traffic to:
Pulldown: [IP address or another value depending on the record type]
Textarea: _56789.acm-validations.aws.
RecordType: CNAME – Routes traffic to another domain name and to some AWS resources
TTL : 300 (Default)

10. Hit [Save Record Set] button

11. All verification records are set.

Just wait for a while for the Status of the domain name on Shifter dashboard to turn to “Verified”.
II. Setting up DNS records on Route 53 of AWS
After completing domain verification, set up ALIAS and CNAME records for your domain name.
1. Click [Create Record Set] button to add DNS validation records

2. Choose the routing policy
Select [Simple routing] and click [Next] button

3. Configure records
Click [Define simple record]

4. Add ALIAS record
Let’s set up ALIAS record for your domain name.

For example.com
Record name: should be blank
Value/Route traffic to:
Pulldown menu 1: [Alias to CloudFront distribution]
Pulldown menu 2: [US East (N. Virginia) [us-east-1]]
Textarea: def456.cloudfront.net.
RecordType: A – Routes traffic to an IPv4 address and some AWS resources
TTL : 300 (Default)
Then click [Save changes] button
5. Click [Create Record Set] button to add CNAME records

6. Choose the routing policy
Select [Simple routing] and click [Next] button

7. Configure records
Click [Define simple record]

8. Add CNAME record

For www.example.com:
Record name: www
Value/Route traffic to:
Pulldown: [IP address or another value depending on the record type]
Textarea: abcd123.on.grshifter.io
RecordType: CNAME – Routes traffic to another domain name and to some AWS resources
TTL : 300 (Default)
Click [Define Simple records] button.
9. All records are set.

10. Confirm settings

That’s all!
Your domain will point to Shifter’s URL