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Shifter Safe Mode: A Powerful WordPress Recovery Option to Get Your Site Back Online Fast

Introduction to Safe Mode

Getting your website back online can be challenging when a fatal error leaves your WordPress admin dashboard inaccessible. Fortunately, Shifter Safe Mode is the perfect tool to help you restore your WordPress site quickly and securely.

This powerful recovery option allows you to easily boot into safe mode, deactivate faulty plugins or themes, diagnose issues, and restore full functionality with just a few clicks. Learn how Shifter Safe Mode can get your WordPress site back online fast!

Using Shifter Safe Mode

Shifter Safe Mode provides easy access to the WordPress admin dashboard when faced with fatal errors. Before entering safe mode, users must navigate to the Emergency Action menu and choose to deactivate all plugins or themes. This step prevents any existing code from executing further, protecting the website from additional errors.

Once booted into safe mode, users can review any existing errors in the logs or run tests, if necessary, all in a secure environment.

Shifter also offers the option to automatically create a backup when each deploy is built. This ensures that the site can be restored to a previous version, before any errors occurred.

Once repairs are complete, users can confidently make changes without worrying. Thanks to this feature, only essential changes are restored once repairs are complete. This can be done while the live site remains active without interrupting website traffic, which is especially helpful when debugging during peak traffic.


When it comes down to it, Shifter Safe Mode is an invaluable resource for restoring WordPress websites in the event of fatal errors.

Conveniently accessed from the Shifter dashboard for all sites, Shifter Safe Mode allows users to quickly get their sites back up and running again with powerful security and functional features – saving time and energy!

Remember to always prioritize safety when resolving these kinds of issues; using additional plugins or manually creating links may suffice – but relying on Shifter Safe Mode ensures that your website stays protected throughout the recovery process.

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