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Shifter is sponsoring WordCamp Europe in 2022!

We are excited to announce that Shifter is sponsoring WordCamp Europe in 2022! This is a great opportunity for the WordPress community to come together and learn from some of the best and brightest minds in the industry.

Attendees can learn about everything from content creation to developing websites with WordPress. There will also be plenty of networking opportunities available. The schedule for this WordCamp in Porto features two tracks, with workshops in the morning and afternoon on both days. Day one includes sessions on building community, creating content, and developing for WordPress. Day two features sessions on Gutenberg, business, and accessibility. There is also an after-party planned for the second day!

Some of the highlights from the schedule include a talk from Matt Mullenweg on WordPress, a panel on acquisitions in WordPress, and a session on building community through meetups. There is also a workshop on creating a paid newsletter subscription in WordPress.

Overall, WordCamp Europe is sure to be a great event. So mark your calendars, and we’ll see you there or online!

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