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Shifter Static Introduces Scheduled Deploys

We are proud to announce the launch of scheduled deploys for Shifter Static. With this new feature, customers can make changes to their website and choose when they would like them to be published. Multiple pages, posts, products, and more can all be deployed at once, making it easy to run campaigns, plan posts ahead of time, or any other situation where content is time-sensitive.

Getting started with scheduled posts is easy. First, create an artifact, then scroll to that artifact and click the “Details” button. Next, scroll to the section labeled “Scheduled Publish” and click the calendar icon. Choose the date and time you would like to publish, then click the “Schedule” button. That’s it! Your artifact will be published automatically at the time and date you’ve chosen.

This feature has been added to Shifter due to customer feedback. We are dedicated to providing the best possible experience for our customers, so if you try scheduled posting, let us know how it goes. We’d love to hear from you.

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