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How to solve the problem of PWA plugin not working on Shifter Static

Shifter recommends using the PWA plugin by PWA Plugin Contributors as a way to convert a WordPress site created with Shifter Static into a PWA.

However, since v0.5.0, due to a change in the plugin specification, the JS file for registering Service Worker could not be made static.
A member of our team reported the issue on GitHub, and an update was released in version 0.6.0 to resolve the issue.

The path of JS file to register Service Worker has been changed again in version 0.6.0. So version 0.6.0 or higher is need in order to use PWA on Shifter Static.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but if you are currently using the PWA plugin, please update the plugin.

For more information about how to use PWA, please take a look at the support document we offer.

Please try out the PWA plugin in your Shifter environment and give us feedback!

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