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HealthNetwork Leverages Team Collaboration and Enterprise Support Across Multiple Sites

Health Network Group builds, hosts, and manages over 15 referral websites on Shifter because they need to ensure their sites keep up with their massive site traffic while remaining fast and secure. 

Health Network Group, LLC is changing the way Americans shop for and purchase health insurance through a series of referral websites they build and manage for a variety of insurance providers. For example, their flagship site can provide consumers with valuable information about health insurance and available coverage options, rates and benefits from the nation’s top and most trusted carriers. and their sister sites help millions of consumers find the best medical health plan each year. 

Health Network Group websites are fast and secure thanks to Shifter’s static architecture and content delivery network (CDN). Yet managing multiple websites with complex and ever changing content is not a one person job. Utilizing the “Teams” feature, multiple site managers and marketing team members are able to collaborate, modify, and update the Health Network websites in an effort to distribute the workflow and ensure content remains fresh. 

Health Network Group CEO Jeremy Kayne said “The results of hosting and managing our sites on Shifter have been incredibly beneficial for our business. Customers have saved over $27 billion with the help of our sites, and we’ve been able to deploy new target sites focusing on more specific audience segments. As a bonus, our website maintenance workload has been drastically reduced thanks to the Shifter automated updates ensuring our website is always running the latest version of WordPress with the latest features and bug fixes.”

Health Network Group chose to upgrade to Enterprise Support because they realize sometimes they need additional support, and when they do they want express access to our development team. Customers in the Shifter Enterprise Support plan have requests monitored by a dedicated team and get priority review by our team of developers. Standard support primarily relies on a trove of documentation in the knowledge base and is responded to by a smaller team on a first come first served basis. The dedicated team that works with Enterprise Support customers have a deeper understanding of the customer sites that allow for more in-depth code review, and strategic recommendations for custom development solutions.

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