Building Stronger Customer Relationships Using ConvertCalculator and Shifter Static

When you think of a calculator, math class might be the first thing that comes to mind. But a calculator, when integrated with forms, can also be a powerful tool for building relationships with your customers.

The internet is a wonderful place, but cold and generic interactions can result in your customers feeling like they’re interacting with a cold, impersonal machine. Giving customers something to interact with not only drives engagement but also gives your customer a more personal connection to your brand. Adding a calculator to your site can do things like allow your customer to get a quote, discover savings, calculate pricing, or fill out an order form.

A calculator can take a simple contact or checkout form and transform it into a customer touchpoint that builds trust by showing that you understand your customer’s needs and provides your customers with a clear and data-driven argument for purchasing your products,  One solution for creating such a calculator is ConvertCalculator.

Examples of ConvertCalendar in action

Why ConvertCalculator? 

Programming a custom calculator from scratch can be a time-consuming and expensive task. ConvertCalculator takes that complicated process and simplifies it, making setting up a calculator tailored to your customers needs a breeze, no coding required. With an easy to use interface and simple setup, ConvertCalculator allows you to get your own calculator up and running in no time. ConvertCalendar also offers a wide range of product integration including Stripe, Mailchimp, and Slack, allowing you to set up a calculator for your specific needs. ConvertCalendar also allows you to collect data related to how your customers interact with your calculator, providing insight that will be valuable for your business. 

A site made with Shifter Static, which is fast and safe, can support contact with customers with peace of mind. Customers can get information or products quickly and stress-free with excellent UI / UX. They also offer an easy to use WordPress plugin that makes installation and  management even easier. 

Why use ConvertCalculator with Shifter Static? 

Shifter Static and ConvertCalculator share similar design philosophies. Both take a complicated process and make it easy and accessible to everyday users while also containing enough complexity to create customized solutions that fit your needs. Combining the two solutions guarantees an easy and simple solution for your users and your customers. Ensuring that your tools are easy to use and can be learned intuitively allows you the time to focus on creating a solution that is centered on your customers.

Let’s Try it Out!

We’ll walk you through the process of getting your own ConvertCalculator up and running on Shifter. For the full instructions, be sure to check out our official support document on Integrating with ConvertCalculator

Log in to ConvertCalculator

Create a new calculator

Copy your shortcode 

Save your calculator, then from the dropdown menu, select WordPress as your platform. Then, copy the shortcode. 

  1. Log in to Shifter Static

Create a new site or choose an existing one. 

  1. Start WordPress and go to your WordPress dashboard. 

If you haven’t installed and activated the ConvertCalendar plugin go ahead and do so now. 

  1. Paste your shortcode

Choose where you would like your calculator to appear. Then, choose the shortcode block from your builder and paste the shortcode you copied earlier.

  1. Generate a new artifact and publish your site.
  2. That’s it!

Both ConvertCalendar and Shifter Static offer free trials, so feel free to give both a try for yourself. If you end up giving it a try, let us know how it goes we’d love to hear your feedback. 

Thanks for using Shifter!

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