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A crash course in Jamstack with Headless WP, Astro, and Buddy

In this webinar with Buddy, we take a look at how you can use the Jamstack development workflow with WordPress. We learn how to set up a pipeline with Buddy, how to use the Astro static site generator, and how to set up a CI/CD environment with Buddy. It was a closer look at how using Shifter Headless can reduce friction when developing with Headless WordPress.

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Learn how to set up a Jamstack delivery pipeline and bootstrap your WordPress website with Astro static site generator and Shifter Headless.

Who is this webinar for:

WordPress Developers

Check out the latest development workflows and learn how to get started with Jamstack WordPress.

Jamstack Developers

Learn how to reduce friction when developing with the WordPress CMS using Shifter Headless.

Product Owners

Know how to get your team up-to-speed with best practices using Buddy, Shifter Headless, and WordPress.

What you’re going to learn:

  • The basics of setting up a Jamstack pipeline with Buddy with testing, distribution, and deployment
  • How to seamlessly bootstrap your WordPress site with Buddy, Astro static site generator, and Shifter Headless
  • How to set up a CI/CD environment for web apps with Buddy
  • How to create an environment for your Jamstack development workflow

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